Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why John Is the Most Jewish Gospel - 658 Words

While numerous scholars say that John is the Gospel to the world (and Matthew to the Jews, Mark to the Romans, and Luke to the Greeks), a Jewish scholar such as Israel Abrahams might very well believe that the Gospel of John is the most Jewish Gospel of the four by the way it reflects Jewish traditions and symbolisms. According to David Wenham[i], there is more attention given to Jesus as the Messiah in the Gospel of John than in any of other Gospels. In John, from chapter one onwards people are directly talking about Jesus as Messiah, and then there is intense public debate about whether Jesus is Messiah or not in John 7:25-31, 41-44[ii], which indicates that John is quite mindful of Jewish issues. Wenham also asserts that there is a†¦show more content†¦Chattanooga: Scofield Ministries. 2002 [iv] Calvin, John. Calvin’s Commentaries: John, Vol. XVII. Grand Rapids: Baker Books. 2005 [v] Edershiem, Alfred. Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, PC Study Bible formatted electronic database: Biblesoft, Inc.Show MoreRelatedEssay on Analysis of the Gospel of John874 Words   |  4 PagesAnalysis of the Gospel of John The Gospel of John, the last of the four gospels in the Bible, is a radical departure from the simple style of the synoptic gospels. It is the only one that does not use parables as a way of showing how Jesus taught, and is the only account of several events, including the raising of Lazarus and Jesus turning water into wine. While essentially the gospel is written anonymously, many scholars believe that it was written by the apostle John sometime between theRead MoreThe Book Of John Is A Narrative History, Containing Teachings And Prophesies Of Jesus Essay946 Words   |  4 Pages READING RESPONSE: JOHN Nathaniel Loper CS 101: Bible Survey November 7th, 2016 John: Summary The book of John is a narrative history, containing teachings and prophesies of Jesus. 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